A visionary Leader
Dr. Raphael Ajayi, is the visionary leader of TSMI, born in Lagos Nigeria, he comes from a multigenerational line of ministers.
He has a cutting-edge teaching gift, ministers under a strong prophetic mantle, with healing miracles and a great grace for deliverance, leading people to walk in the fullness of what they already possess in GOD.
He is a great motivator and has blessed various congregations big and small.
Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, he brings the divine will clearly through preaching and ministrations. He has a peculiar gift of bringing change to whole areas, with Churches receiving growth and an Impartation of holiness.
He is passionate about seeing the bride of Christ coming into divine alignment by walking in true holiness to receive the fullness of their possessions.
The Lord specifically commissioned him to teach his people on holiness and His Love for them in a very humorous and captivating manner. That is His pursuit in these interesting times.
He is a Medical Doctor and a John Maxwell Certified Coach/mentor
As a Coach, Mentor and Master class organizer he is primarily focused on the market place and renders apostolic covering to many including professionals, multimedia practitioners, musicians and artists who seek him out.
His training started soon after salvation, when he joined the Healing and deliverance department of his local church as a rookie, but rose up to be assistant head and actually often headed the department while the leader was on maternity leave. This Involved meeting for prayers on Friday nights and Saturday morning then ministering from 9 till 5pm, every weekend. People came from all over Nigeria and from other parts of Africa, the Lord manifesting through the team mightily. They learned together and perfected from the aggressive technique that was the norm then, to trusting the word and power of Holy Spirit more and more, It was a pleasure to seeing GOD work. Dr. & Mrs. Ajayi started the Petra Clinic together and supported the local church with resources including money, free healthcare, treatment, admission and food vouchers to pick up produce including vegetables, poultry, fish and meat from the butchers for the needy. In the process of meeting people's needs and pouring out of themselves, they went through periods of lack but GOD has never owed them!. Every season just built more spiritual muscles and ability to hear GOD.
Today, Dr. & Mrs. Ajayi in agreement to GOD’s present plans run medical centers and travel around the world with the age-old message delivered with humility and humor with such powerful results. Healings and prophecies follow the message with a strong deliverance mantle.
Obadaiah 1:17 states “But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, And there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” (NKJV).
'Walking in the supernatural with emphasis on deliverance is a strong part of their message, not just the casting out of devils (which happens regularly) but the total freedom from mental hang-ups and strongholds, so that the Holiness and preciousness of what GOD has created can fully manifest. The end result is that everyone including those who walk contrary to GOD’s expectations can truly possess that fullness that Jesus provided for them!'
The highlights of the message they deliver are:
The Ministerial vessel must stay SANCTIFIED to guarantee His safety as
The PRESENCE of GOD is invoked through worship and
The POWER of GOD is released to Touch the Spirit, Soul and Body of Humanity, Setting free Completely and Making Permanent differences in the lives touched.
It’s always amazing to watch them and the team, flow in the gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit! He is happily married to Momi and they are blessed with a son following closely in their footsteps..