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M - We MAKE a Difference - PERMANENTLY

I   - Internationally


Mission Statement

TSMI ministries invests in the potentials of people because we believe in people like Jesus did. We exist to bring a Godly transformation, to raise, to train and to empower a new generation of leaders; to impact marketplaces, cities, countries and the world. We prepare believers to walk in freedom, in faith and to send them to the nations accomplishing God’s higher purpose.


  1. To advance and teach the religious tenets, doctrines and observances associated with the Christian faith in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ as contained in the Christian Holy Bible  

  2. To be a discipleship training center where Christians can be grounded in the word of God and become disciplined and committed followers of Christ  

  3. To support worship centers with trainings and any activities based on their identified needs, in accordance with the Christian faith, where love is demonstrated in word and deed and where people experience genuine care and compassion for one another.

  4. To be a world outreach ministry directly involved in taking the Gospel to the four corners of the earth by contributing human, material, and financial resources to accomplish this end.

  5. To organize and hold events, conferences, seminars, teachings, worship & music concerts, camp-meetings, crusades and other Christian gatherings; with the aim of encouraging and empowering people with the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ, in becoming responsible and productive members of the society.

  6. To assist other Christian ministries, Churches and organizations in building up and training leaders and members to be more effective in their Christian walk and work

  7. To positively aid and alleviate suffering locally and worldwide with the threefold model of:



    3. MAKING a Difference PERMANENTLY


  1. We believe that there is one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God the Son and is true God and true man. (Genesis 1:1-3, Matthew 3:16-17)

  2. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and is completely authoritative on all matters on which it speaks.

  3. We believe that to receive forgiveness and walk in the new life, we must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will and Lordship for our lives.

  4. We believe that God's people are called to Holiness in all aspects of life, with the goal of being conformed to the image of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  5. We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and blessed lives to be able to help others more effectively.

  6. We believe that to fully live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, after receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, we need to be baptised in water and filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the One who transforms our lives and empowers us with spiritual gifts.

  7. We believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives, which is to know Him and make Him known in our world of influence.

  8. We believe it is the will and predetermined counsel of God that every Believer is filled with the Holy Spirit for the purposes of effective prayer and warfare, with the evidence of speaking in tongues as Jesus promised in Mark 16:14-20 and displayed in Acts 2:1-4 & 10:44-48 among many other scriptures. This 'speaking in tongues' is separate from the gift of tongues, the latter being is one of the nine gifts given by the Holy Spirit as needed for the call and ministry of specific believers 1st Corinthians 12:4-11



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Our values drive the intentions and the motivations behind our actions.

We do our very best to focus and live out these 4 core values as a marketplace ministry:

God First

We have a reverential fear of The Word of GOD and a fervent desire to please and respect GOD in everything we do. We prioritize wisdom and knowledge in a holy and righteous way. This includes the concepts of stewardship, humility, servanthood, holiness and the pursuit of kingdom goals.


We have a compassionate love for people.

We support them by providing knowledge and practical solutions to spiritual, physical, emotional and mental needs.

This includes the concepts of love-driven ministry, ministry accomplished in teams, and relationship building.


We pursue excellence in everything we do to honor GOD and inspire people. We aspire to excel and go higher in Christian character, behavior and good deeds to become more like GOD.

This includes the concepts of spiritual growth, evaluation, critical review, passion, and excellence.


We develop people and get them involved in their callings through anointed teaching so that they can grow, serve, and play their part in the vision GOD has given them.

This includes the concept of teaching for life change.


We believe God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. So whatever you're concerned about and need prayer for—we want to be here for you!

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